The Best Way To Explode Your Earning Ability!
Streamline your processes, increase your profits, add new tools to your investing, and transform your entire business. We've put together a comprehensive real estate business mastermind that's sole purpose is to propel your real estate knowledge to the next level and beyond, while building a network to help your business for the rest of your life. We also have a few different options so that you can choose something that fits your needs!

I know what you're thinking...

There are already so many choices out there for courses, events, and masterminds to buy, attend, and join. Some of them are good and some of them are hot garbage, but how this is completely revolutionary. 
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What Makes This Different From The Others?

.For starters, here's where we had the first one:
So many of the things being taught right now could very well be made obsolete from legislation in the near future. Nobody can deny that buying properties will never be illegal, and that you'll rarely ever lose money when you're buying them right.
Difference 1: from day 1 you have access to our nationwide network of lenders and partners. So if you have a deal, you have access to the money to get it done.
Difference 2: as you learn just the owner financing strategies we use in our business, your cash offers will get even stronger. You don't have to just depend on one way to create a deal.
Difference 3: the number of deals you do will go up, your cash flow will grow, and you can legitimately blow up your bank account with our apartment investing strategies for some homerun deals.
Difference 4: I will always be a real estate investor, so I don't want your money if we can't work together. You're buying in, not buying garbage. My reputation is far more valuable than pocketing a few dollars from peddling fluff.

Which Brings Us To The Big Difference Maker

Introducing Corey Thompson
Corey Thompson
Dad, Real Estate Investor, and Party host
If you're here on this page you probably already know him, but if you're here out of curiosity or because a good friend sent you here's his story:
When the oil field crashed in late 2014, Corey Thompson was left with a simple choice: either sit at home and wait until the savings and toys he had accumulated were gone… or get up and do what he had always done, go to work.
He worked his way up to be recognized as the best at what he did, mostly because he was willing to show up and do what others were unwilling to do.
That work ethic that was forged on a drilling rig, was about to be applied to a new industry.
Starting with his first deal in 2015, bought off a hunch from a gentleman he met at a tax sale, he has exhibited relentless drive and desire to ever expand his knowledge and expertise through continuous action.
From building multi-million dollar apartment complex deals to buying $5,000 burned out crack shacks, Corey does it all when it comes to real estate.
He and his team currently manage 300 rental doors across the state of Texas and still close 25-30 single-family deals per year.
All while raising his beautiful daughter, Emery, in his hometown of Groesbeck, TX
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You can change your business or wait until that miracle falls from the sky and chooses to land on you.
Brought to You by Roughneck 2 Real Estate
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